Your trusted visa & legalisation partner

Your deadline
is our top priority

With over 40 years of experience with visa and legalisation services our team is more than ready to assist you with your next project. Our main focus is to make sure the process is smooth and hassle-free for you and your company.

Legalisations and translations

Our team is ready to assist you with the legalisation process so that your documents are valid in the specific destination country.

We make sure this process is smooth and easy for you and your company.

For translations of documents we work closely together with ad Astra Translatører and their team of certified translators.


Obtaining the correct visa before departure can be time consuming and complex. Requirements and processes are undergoing constant changes.

We at DOX Visas & Legalisations will make sure you feel safe throughout the entire process.

We are here to make it easy for you to travel the world.

This is how we do it

how we do it.png

You do not need to look for answers - it is our job to make sure there are no questions