Apostille & export documents,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

See below the processes, timelines and prices for legalisation at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

General Requirements

  • All documents submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in person need to have an original signature. Some documents including a digital signature can be uploaded and processed online. Read more about electronic documents here: https://dys.um.dk/Shop/purchase

  • Documents submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Afffairs need to be either issued by a public authority, attested by Chamber of Commerce (commercial documents) or notarised by a Notary Public (legal documents) before submission.

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark only legalises documents of Danish origin. Documents that are not issued in Denmark (e.g. ISO certificates, certificate of conformity etc.) need to include a cover letter attached as a front page of the document.

  • Before submitting, payment needs to be procesed online. Find link for the webshop here: https://dys.um.dk/Shop/purchase

  • Translations can only be legalised if the translator’s signature has been confirmed by a Notary Public or the translating company has been confirmed by a Chamber of Commerce. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs only accepts translations of Danish documents and a copy of the original needs to be attached to the translation.


Legal, commercial and private documents can be attested by an Apostille stamp at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The Apostille stamp ensures legal validity of the attested documents on all of the Hague Convention Member Countries. Please see a list of the member countries here: Apostille members

Price: 230 DKK
Processing time: 1 working day

Please see details on specific document types below:

  1. Private documents (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate, diploma) need to issued by a Danish public authority/school and include an original signature.
    Some documents can be procesed online. Read more about electronic documents here: https://dys.um.dk/Shop/purchase
    Certified copies of diplomas can be issued by the school/university or attested in original. After attestation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is possible to make a true copy at the Notary Public and use the copy for further legalisation.
    Contact DOX for more information about procurement of personal documents.

  2. Commercial documents need to be attested by Chamber of Commerce before submission to the Ministy of Foreign Affairs.

  3. Legal documents (e.g. power of attorney etc.) need to be notarised before submission to the Ministy of Foreign Affairs.

Export documents

The following documents can be attested with an export stamp by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  1. Certificates of Origin (issued by Chamber of Commerce or other relevant public authorities)

  2. Free Sales Certificate (issued by Chamber of Commerce or other relevant public authorities)

  3. Health Certificates

  4. Export License

  5. Invoices/packing list (only when issued by a Danish company and attested by Chamber of Coomerce)

Price: free of charge
Processing time: 1 working day

Location and opening hours


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Asiatisk Pl. 2
1448 Copenhagen

Opening hours:
Mon 09:00 - 12:00
Tue 09:00 - 12:00 & 13:30 -15:30
Wed 09:00 - 12:00
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 & 13:30 -15:30
Fri 09:00 - 12:00